

AdventureEternity Port

Commonwealth militia rankColonel

FateDestroyed by a Dreaming raider in the Ulom System


GenomeHuman male

Korolov rankJourneyman

Money (credits)6129

Money (euros)936

Money (rin)4602

Money (yuan)4324


Ship classOsaka-class transport

Time played1 day and 8 hours


achievements & regrets

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port

Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer

Resurrected Lilith


Enemy ships destroyed2126

Enemy stations destroyed210

Friendly ships destroyed83


Profit on arms31216

Profit on goods and materials37096

Profit on illegal items9104

Profit on luxury goods15011

Profit on medical supplies11003


Game resurrections71

Never destroyed friendly stations

damage sustained

hexacarbide armor2824

blast plate428

Invincible-class deflector66216

obsidian carapace18901

Yoroi S100 shield generator16855

polyceramic armor901

class II deflector14386

reactive armor225

enemy ships destroyed

Dreaming nomad1

Ventari destroyer2

Revenant-class destroyer3

Ranx dreadnought1

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship5

Polar-class freighter2

Tripoli-class destroyer8

Zoanthrope behemoth2

Earth Slaver3

Xenophobe defender3

Sandstorm-class gunship66

Dwarg master19

Luminous drone11

Wraith-class heavy gunship3

Dreaming raider8

Urak destroyer34

Centurion-class heavy gunship9

Goron behemoth2

Sung transport1

Xenophobe fighter9

Mammoth frigate13

Revelations-class missileship18

Steel slaver16

Atonement-class heavy gunship16

Charon frigate2

Ranx gunship59

Heliotrope frigate10

Repentant-class gunship26

Goron monitor5

T55-class armed transport2

Barbary-class gunship37

Meth enforcer18

Ronin/C-class gunship5

Sotho-class heavy gunship23

Cavebear raider89

Drake-class missileship20

Zoanthrope raider283

Eldritch-class gunship92

Viking II-class gunship136

Marauder raid platform9

Wind slaver174

Plague-class gunship38

Heliotrope gunship63

200A defender auton1

Urak sentinel128

Oromo-class gunship7

T31-class armed transport4

Centauri heavy raider3

Viking-class gunship79

Corsair II-class gunship64

Ronin/B-class gunship10

Hammerhead II-class gunship9

Borer II-class gunship51

Zulu II-class gunship7

Himal interceptor2

Sabertooth raider153

Hornet-class battlepod22

Borer-class gunship8

Earthzone-class armed shuttle4

Hammerhead-class gunship12

Corsair-class gunship147

Goron soldier4

Goron swift20

Zulu-class gunship15

TA3-class sentinel18

Centauri raider12

enemy stations destroyed

Dreaming Nexus1

Luminous Assembler1

Rogue Fleet settlement3

Ares outpost4

Penitent sanctum7

Ranx outpost2

Resurrector sanctum2

Rogue Fleet cache1

Dwarg fortress3

outlaw pteracnium mine4

Sung citadel2

Sung fortress10

Dwarg colony27

Heliotrope colony7

Marauder stronghold5

outlaw duranium mine4

Penitent shrine7

Resurrector outpost9

Sung research laboratory1

Death Drug Cartel outpost5

First Hunters settlement11

Marauder compound4

Marauder outpost3

outlaw ceralloy mine5

Sapiens compound6

Sung slave camp5

Urak fortress6

Anarchist settlement1

Charon Pirates stronghold7

Goron lair3

Heliotrope outpost4

outlaw haven1

outlaw palladium mine2

Sapiens camp4

Urak mine4

Abbasid outpost3

Anarchist gathering5

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost6

First Hunters outpost8

Himal refuge1

outlaw base2

outlaw camp4

outlaw titanium mine3

Urak outpost2

Centauri warlord camp1

Charon Pirates cache3


Systems visited27

Never reached Oromarch

Never reached Terminus


Osaka Playership

The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack

final equipment

Xuanwu-700 howitzer

enhanced omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster [+Fast]

enhanced lancer cannon [+70%]

Invincible-class deflector

4 segments of hexacarbide armor

enhanced SN2500 reactor [+Enhanced]

particle accelerator

patcher arm

CDM shard

final items

malachite crystal

omnidirectional ion blaster

2 gems of contrition

4 barrels of ithalium paste

tritium injector

26 Luminous 5care algorithms

7 gems of despair

8 pteracnium fuel rods

chest of jinn-khan

inertialess drive

ion power capacitor

transpace jumpdrive

2 patch spiders

3 erbium rods

4 cases of neuranase

6 longzhu spheres

Commonwealth Medal of Honor

10 kilos of natural periweed

155 Heliotrope fuel cylinders

2 Commonwealth Medals of Distinction

4 cases of artificial plasma

4 optical knowledge arrays

8 crates of frozen natural ham

calligraphy scroll

engineering analyzer

engineering analyzer

engineering analyzer

engineering analyzer

hexagene booster

pair of genuine leather boots

ShieldPower v3.1.8 algorithm cube

5 disks of lanthanum glass

Commonwealth military identification chip

gold cash card

gold cash card

container of biofactor paste

jewel of contemplation

Segway antigrav platform

black market identification chip

blue cash card

cargo hold expansion

portable analyzer

portable analyzer

portable analyzer

portable analyzer

carved prayer stone

friendly ships destroyed

Zoanthrope behemoth3

Ferian miner26

Zoanthrope raider37

medium IAV1

Salvager Nomad7

T31-class armed transport3

Zulu-class gunship6

items installed

hexacarbide armor

Xuanwu-700 howitzer

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

SN2500 reactor

blast plate

Invincible-class deflector

mark III howitzer

patch spider

lancer cannon

Nova-100 reactor

obsidian carapace

Yoroi S100 shield generator

ICX missile defense turret

Nova-50 reactor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

particle accelerator

patcher arm

polyceramic armor

Otoroshi turret

class II deflector

reactive armor

CDM shard

laser collimator

Nakura bolter

missions & activities

Agricultural colonies defended1

Commonwealth militia missions6

Korolov escort missions8

Mining colony missions2

Money earned on missions29032

Slaves freed58

weapons fired

Xuanwu-700 howitzer484

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster25769

mark III howitzer2539

lancer cannon7181

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon19602

Otoroshi turret3002

laser cannon1888

Nakura bolter271

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