

AdventureEternity Port

Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain

Commonwealth militia rankColonel

FateJoined the denizens of Eternity Port


GenomeHuman male

Korolov rankBlacklisted

Money (credits)786551


Ship classHercules-class transport

Time played1 day


achievements & regrets

Defeated Luminous

Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port

Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere

Helped Lilith increase her powers

Met Failsafe

Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer

Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists

Resurrected Lilith


Enemy ships destroyed2021

Enemy stations destroyed282

Friendly ships destroyed51


Profit on arms637510

Profit on goods and materials203124

Profit on illegal items2750

Profit on luxury goods74443

Profit on medical supplies28627

Profit on ship's equipment196938


Game resurrections87

Never destroyed friendly stations

damage sustained

heavy Omsk armor51985

Luminous shroud148369

plasma shield generator10363

blast plate26837

R5 deflector12692

ceralloy armor541

polyceramic armor719

Cyclotron S55 deflector11643

light plasteel armor694

reactive armor1737

class I deflector1451

enemy ships destroyed

Phobos-class dreadnought3

Dreaming nomad2

Chasm-class heavy gunship1

Ventari destroyer17

Polar II-class freighter5

Tundra-class heavy gunship20

Revenant-class destroyer7

Ranx dreadnought13

Ares sentry31

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship9

Polar-class freighter4

Tripoli-class destroyer3

Zoanthrope behemoth1

Earth Slaver11

Hurin-class destroyer11

Kobol gunship3

Sandstorm-class gunship267

Dwarg master12

Luminous drone74

Wraith-class heavy gunship4

Dreaming raider12

Urak destroyer4

Centurion-class heavy gunship28

Goron behemoth1

Mammoth frigate3

Revelations-class missileship3

Steel slaver36

Charon frigate3

Atonement-class heavy gunship25

Ranx gunship127

Heliotrope frigate3

Goron monitor11

T55-class armed transport1

Barbary-class gunship15

Repentant-class gunship46

Meth enforcer11

Ronin/C-class gunship3

Sotho-class heavy gunship36

Cavebear raider20

Drake-class missileship11

Zoanthrope raider122

Eldritch-class gunship67

Viking II-class gunship81

Marauder raid platform5

Wind slaver142

Plague-class gunship5

Heliotrope gunship22

Demir-class gunship5

Urak sentinel34

Oromo-class gunship8

T31-class armed transport5

Viking-class gunship21

Corsair II-class gunship32

Ronin/B-class gunship2

Borer II-class gunship51

Hammerhead II-class gunship11

Zulu II-class gunship19

Himal interceptor5

Sabertooth raider112

Hornet-class battlepod89

Borer-class gunship12

Earthzone-class armed shuttle8

Hammerhead-class gunship23

Corsair-class gunship117

Goron soldier22

Goron swift52

Zulu-class gunship7

TA3-class sentinel40

Centauri raider5

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune7

Ares shipyard1

Dreaming Nexus2


Kobol warlord camp2

Luminous Assembler5

Ranx fortress7

Resurrector cathedral1

Rogue Fleet settlement4

Ares outpost9

Penitent monastery3

Ranx outpost10

Resurrector sanctum6

Rogue Fleet cache5

Ventari colony9

Dwarg fortress3

Huari fortress6

outlaw pteracnium mine13

Penitent sanctum8

Sung citadel5

Sung fortress10

Dwarg colony29

Heliotrope colony2

Marauder stronghold2

outlaw duranium mine3

Penitent shrine10

Resurrector outpost5

Sung research laboratory1

Death Drug Cartel outpost4

First Hunters settlement2

Marauder compound6

outlaw ceralloy mine3

Sapiens compound1

Sung slave camp4

Urak fortress2

Anarchist settlement1

Charon Pirates stronghold5

Goron lair10

Heliotrope outpost6

outlaw haven6

outlaw palladium mine2

Sapiens camp2

Urak mine4

Abbasid outpost2

Anarchist gathering21

Charon Pirates outpost6

First Hunters outpost13

Himal refuge3

outlaw camp3

outlaw titanium mine2

Anarchist habitat2

Charon Pirates cache3


Systems visited32


Osaka Playership

The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack

final equipment

enhanced Xuanwu-700 howitzer [+30%]

enhanced omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster [+50%]

Rasiermesser launcher

enhanced Luminous shroud [+20%]

6 enhanced segments of heavy Omsk armor [+ion]

enhanced Koshiba-500 reactor [+enhanced]

Titan 440 fusion drive

Longreach I autocannon

patch spider

cargo hold expansion

CDM shard

final items

64 Gotha-400 seekers

cerusite crystal

3 segments of P450 Hexphase armor

advanced analyzer

barrel of ithalium paste

14 gems of despair

2 Ares Campaign Ribbons

60 pteracnium fuel rods

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

promethium crystal

SN2500 reactor

2 barrels of ion resistance coating

7 longzhu spheres

Commonwealth Medal of Honor

segment of blast plate

14 tons of duranium ore

9 xenotite fuel rods

Commonwealth Medal of Distinction

UAS Fleet identification chip

33 heliumĀ³ reactor assemblies

491 Akan 30 cannon shell cartridges

Commonwealth military identification chip

segment of depleted uranium armor

ton of cerallox ore

5 tons of cobalt-thorium ore

monopole deflector screen

segment of light plasteel armor

black market identification chip

9 heliumĀ³ fuel rods

friendly ships destroyed

Britannia-class heavy gunship7

Manticore-class heavy gunship2

Molotok bounty hunter10

Centurion-class heavy gunship4

Ronin/C-class gunship2

Ferian miner1

Zoanthrope raider11

Salvager Nomad5

Oromo-class gunship2

Ronin/B-class gunship1

EI200-class freighter1

Zulu-class gunship5

items installed

heavy Omsk armor

Luminous shroud

Koshiba-500 reactor

plasma shield generator

Rasiermesser launcher

Xuanwu-700 howitzer

IO25 Taran cannon

Longreach I autocannon

mark V howitzer

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

SN2500 reactor

150NX reactor

advanced plasteel armor

Akan 600 turret

blast plate

patch spider

R5 deflector

Titan 440 fusion drive

ceralloy armor

AK505 Ballista cannon

Lanceolate cannon

Nova-50 reactor

polyceramic armor

Sova-10 particle turret

Cyclotron S55 deflector

DK10 Arbalest cannon

light plasteel armor

NAMI missile launcher

Nova-25 reactor

Otoroshi turret

tritium propulsion upgrade

cannon accelerator

cargo hold expansion

Nova-15 reactor

omnidirectional laser cannon

reactive armor

CDM shard

class I deflector

DM600 disposable missile rack

recoilless cannon

missions & activities

Commonwealth militia missions6

CSC missions16

Korolov escort missions7 (1 failed)

Mining colony missions5

Money earned on missions23500

Slaves freed10

weapons fired

Gotha-400 seeker2851

Gotha-10 missile296

Rasiermesser launcher3147

Xuanwu-700 howitzer2750

IO25 Taran cannon275

mark V howitzer14

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster15536

XM900 Lucifer missile355

Akan 600 turret1824

AK505 Ballista cannon300

KM550 Broadsword missile152

Lanceolate cannon1113

Longreach I autocannon9837

Sova-10 particle turret998

DK10 Arbalest cannon307

KM110 Starburst missile64

KM120 Brute missile170

KM500 Stiletto missile316

NAMI missile launcher1255

Otoroshi turret2525

KM100 Longbow missile198

omnidirectional laser cannon1571

DM600 disposable missile rack29

recoilless cannon1051

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