

AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim

Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain

Commonwealth militia rankColonel

Domina relationshipNovice

FateSelf-destructed in the Heretic System


GenderHuman male

Money (credits)3558815

Money (rin)103748


Ship classWolfen-class gunship

Time played5 hours and 15 minutes


achievements & regrets

Allowed Rama to meet his destiny

Became Legendary Hero of the Arena

Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents

Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system

Defended Point Juno

Destroyed Benedict's autons in 14 minutes and 4 seconds

Destroyed the CSC Antarctica

Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system

Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype

Rescued Mr. Katami from the Black Market


Enemy ships destroyed1797

Enemy stations destroyed187

Friendly ships destroyed37

Friendly stations destroyed9


Profit on arms2386680

Profit on goods and materials1064661

Profit on luxury goods30413

Profit on medical supplies14796

Profit on ship's equipment633883


Honored permadeath

Never bought life insurance

Never invoked powers of Domina

damage sustained

experimental ithalium armor745

hull plate ionizer514

reflector field144922

enemy ships destroyed

Huygens-class explorer1

Iocrym sentinel1

Phobos-class dreadnought5

Commonwealth Star Carrier1

Gaian processor4

Deimos-class destroyer14

Chasm-class heavy gunship31

Cometfall-class missileship8

Ventari destroyer6

Ferian warrior30

Polar II-class freighter1

Tundra-class heavy gunship46

Ares advanced sentry51

Skeiron Dragoon1

Ares dual sentry63

Excruciator-class destroyer1

Manticore-class heavy gunship5

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship3

Polar-class freighter12

Ares sentry46

Britannia-class heavy gunship5

Aurochs-class mine layer1

Zoanthrope behemoth1

Hurin-class destroyer6

Retribution-class missileship1

Earth Slaver5

Xenophobe defender3

Augury-class destroyer4

Kobol gunship8

Sandstorm-class gunship458

Tripoli-class destroyer4

Dwarg master3

Luminous drone177

Centurion-class heavy gunship22

Molotok/B-class heavy gunship8

Gale-class Warwing2

Urak destroyer1

EI500-class freighter2

Sung transport2

Xenophobe fighter2

Dringend-class armed shuttle6

Steel slaver11

Atonement-class heavy gunship16

Molotok/A-class heavy gunship4

Revelations-class missileship5

heavy IAV2

Ranx gunship17

Wildcat II-class heavy gunship10

Heliotrope frigate5

Ronin/C-class gunship1

Wolfen-class gunship2

Charon frigate1

Varukisas Processor3

Barbary-class gunship15

Repentant-class gunship24

Sotho-class heavy gunship9

Meth enforcer11

Ferian miner81

Zoanthrope raider38

Viking II-class gunship70

Wind slaver107

medium IAV3

Drake-class missileship7

Plague-class gunship10

Heliotrope gunship23

Centauri heavy raider1

Marauder raid platform2

Sapphire-class yacht1

Urak sentinel19

Oromo-class heavy gunship10

T31-class armed transport10

Viking-class gunship43

Charon Lynx II3

Corsair II-class gunship24

Charon Lynx7

Borer II-class gunship14

Ronin/A-class gunship4

Zulu II-class gunship11

Varukisas auton2

Himal interceptor2

Borer-class gunship6

EI100-class freighter4

Hornet-class battlepod9

Earthzone-class armed shuttle3

light IAV4

Corsair-class gunship41

Zulu-class gunship8

TA3-class sentinel3

Centauri raider40

enemy stations destroyed

pteravore lair5

Ares commune14

Ares shipyard12

Kobol warlord camp2

Luminous Assembler11

Macht Coven Polis2

Rogue Fleet settlement1

Ares outpost7

Penitent monastery1

Ranx outpost1

Rogue Fleet cache3

Ventari colony3

Black Market shipyard3

Dwarg fortress1

Huari fortress3

Penitent sanctum5

Sung citadel3

Sung fortress7

Charon rogues Fortress5

Dwarg colony8

Heliotrope colony4

Marauder stronghold2

outlaw duranium mine2

Penitent shrine9

Black Market station1

Death Drug Cartel outpost5

Marauder compound3

Marauder outpost2

outlaw ceralloy mine2

Sapiens compound3

Sung slave camp6

Urak fortress1

Charon Pirates stronghold6

Charon rogues outpost4

Fortress of the Charon Pirates1

Heliotrope outpost2

outlaw haven5

Sapiens camp2

tempus lab1

Abbasid outpost2

Anarchist gathering4

Arco Vaughn's container habitat1

Charon Pirates outpost5

Himal refuge1

outlaw camp4

Urak outpost4

Centauri warlord camp7

Charon Pirates cache1


Systems visited27

Never reached the Galactic Core


Avian Enterprises - Ding Toast Is Done

Avian Enterprises - Intro Screen Damage Indicators

Avian Enterprises - Intro Screen Janitor

Avian Enterprises - Intro Screen Sweeper

Avian Enterprises - One Frame Turn

Avian Enterprises - Overkill

Avian Enterprises - Playerships

Avian Enterprises - Scuttle Shipwrecks

Avian Enterprises - Ship Table Generator

Avian Enterprises - Starting Gear Randomizer

Avian Enterprises - Weapon Table Generator

Commander's Log

Hammerhead II Playership

Osaka Playership

Project Renegade

Random United

The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

final equipment

Ferian plasma cannon

plasma cascade blaster

negation launcher

reflector field [+50%]

4 segments of experimental ithalium armor

Hyperion reactor

Sigma autoturret

miner's cargo hold

System Mapping Device

final items

8 gems of contrition

6 gems of despair

8 xenotite fuel rods

Commonwealth military identification chip

data ROM

friendly ships destroyed

Manticore-class heavy gunship5

Kobol gunship2

Trask armored freighter1

Molotok/B-class heavy gunship3

Molotok/A-class heavy gunship2

Armstrong-class transport1

Centurion-class heavy gunship3

Heliotrope frigate1

Ferian miner2

Zoanthrope raider9

medium IAV1

T31-class armed transport2

light IAV1

Zulu-class gunship4

friendly stations destroyed

Ferian colony9

items installed

experimental ithalium armor

Ferian plasma cannon

Hyperion reactor

Koshiba-500 reactor

dual SAR/10 cannon

Sigma autoturret

SN2500 reactor

150NX reactor

mark III howitzer

Nova-100 reactor

light solar armor

Nova-50 reactor

hardened reactive armor

heavy CLAW cannon

light plasteel armor

miner's cargo hold

NAMI missile launcher

class II deflector

dual Bolide laser blaster

dual laser cannon

hull plate ionizer

nanoseeker launcher

negation launcher

Nova-10 reactor

plasma cascade blaster

reflector field

System Mapping Device

missions & activities

Commonwealth habitat missions2

Commonwealth militia missions6

CSC missions18 (2 failed)

Gladiator fights10

Mining colony missions1

Money earned on missions22625

Psionics offered to Domina1

Slaves freed61

Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet1500

weapons fired

Ferian plasma cannon966

dual SAR/10 cannon2832

mark III howitzer98

virtual sigma4146

heavy CLAW cannon9

KM500 Stiletto missile11

NAMI missile launcher11

dual Bolide laser blaster144

nanoseeker launcher3358

negation launcher3546

plasma cascade blaster406

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