

AdventureEternity Port

CDM shard level6

Commonwealth militia rankLieutenant

FateDestroyed by a Phobos-class dreadnought in the Hesperus System


GenderHuman male

Korolov rankApprentice

Money (credits)316990

Money (euros)152142

Money (rin)2453

Money (yuan)390


Ship classMinotaur/M-class corvette

Time played1 day and 3 hours


achievements & regrets

Befriended the Huari

Defeated Luminous

Delivered arms to Eurasian Diarchy

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port

Destroyed an APD Space Command base

Evaded the Kronosaurus

Failed to chased off the Nagato Explorer

Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere

Helped Lilith increase her powers

Helped the Nagato Explorer to defect

Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer

Met Captain Okida of the Nagato Explorer

Met Failsafe

Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer

Resurrected Lilith

Scanned the Nagato Explorer


Enemy ships destroyed2100

Enemy stations destroyed222

Friendly ships destroyed21


Profit on arms807133

Profit on goods and materials629122

Profit on illegal items11520

Profit on luxury goods148146

Profit on medical supplies19681


Game resurrections123

Insurance claims1

Never destroyed friendly stations

damage sustained

massive ithalium armor48059

R9 deflector90830

heavy solar armor7623

Invincible-class deflector34765

medium solar armor10804

Nephren P25 shield generator15445

Ceratops 1T quasi-armor23099

light solar armor5863

heavy reactive armor1532

class II deflector5251

enemy ships destroyed

Luminous hunter-killer1

Dreaming nomad2

Deimos-class destroyer1

Chasm-class heavy gunship6

Ventari destroyer9

Tundra-class heavy gunship14

Revenant-class destroyer5

Ares advanced sentry6

Ranx dreadnought3

Ares dual sentry3

Excruciator-class destroyer2

Yamato-class bomber5

Manticore-class heavy gunship5

Polar-class freighter5

Ares sentry12

Zoanthrope behemoth1

Kobol gunship11

Earth Slaver2

Xenophobe defender1

Sandstorm-class gunship149

Tripoli-class destroyer1

Akuma-class heavy gunship1

Luminous drone154

Wraith-class heavy gunship8

Dreaming raider52

Centurion-class heavy gunship1

Molotok/B-class heavy gunship25

heavy IAV5

Urak destroyer33

Xenophobe fighter5

Mammoth frigate3

Steel slaver46

Evren-class heavy gunship2

Luminous messenger1

Atonement-class heavy gunship16

Molotok/A-class heavy gunship28

Revelations-class missileship11

Ranx gunship62

Heliotrope frigate1

Raijin-class heavy gunship21

Charon frigate4

Goron monitor3

T55-class armed transport3

Barbary-class gunship4

Repentant-class gunship38

Sotho-class heavy gunship30

Meth enforcer36

Ronin/C-class gunship8

Cavebear raider12

Zoanthrope raider12

Eldritch-class gunship64

Viking II-class gunship45

EI500-class freighter3

Wind slaver218

medium IAV3

Drake-class missileship15

Plague-class gunship8

Heliotrope gunship3

200A defender auton1

Demir-class gunship13

Urak sentinel90

Kaiten-class gunship14

Oromo-class heavy gunship28

T31-class armed transport10

Centauri heavy raider3

Viking-class gunship113

Ronin/B-class gunship10

Corsair II-class gunship67

Borer II-class gunship61

Hammerhead II-class gunship19

Zulu II-class gunship33

Sabertooth raider30

Hornet-class battlepod29

Borer-class gunship29

Earthzone-class armed shuttle10

Hammerhead-class gunship11

Corsair-class gunship168

Goron soldier7

Goron swift38

Zulu-class gunship27

TA3-class sentinel46

Centauri raider15

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune3

Dreaming Nexus2


Kobol warlord camp4

Luminous Assembler7

Luminous Sentinel3

Ranx fortress2

Resurrector cathedral1

(APD Space Command base)1

Ares outpost5

Penitent monastery2

Ranx outpost2

Resurrector sanctum5

Rogue Fleet cache1

Ventari colony3

Black Market shipyard1

outlaw pteracnium mine10

Penitent sanctum4

Sung fortress10

Heliotrope colony2

Luminous Extractor2

Marauder stronghold1

outlaw duranium mine5

Penitent shrine2

Resurrector outpost3

Sung research laboratory1

Black Market station8

Death Drug Cartel outpost6

First Hunters settlement3

Marauder compound4

Marauder outpost2

outlaw ceralloy mine5

Sapiens compound5

Sung slave camp6

Urak fortress4

Anarchist settlement4

Charon Pirates stronghold12

Goron lair6

outlaw haven1

outlaw palladium mine7

Sapiens camp3

tempus lab8

Urak mine4

Abbasid outpost3

Anarchist gathering10

Centauri warlord stronghold2

Charon Pirates outpost13

First Hunters outpost3

outlaw base2

outlaw titanium mine7

Urak outpost2

Centauri warlord camp1

Charon Pirates cache8


Systems visited30


The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

final equipment

Morana archcannon

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster [+20%]

NAMI heavy launcher

R9 deflector [-ion transparent]

2 segments of massive ithalium armor [+ion]

4 segments of massive ithalium armor [+ion]

Hyperion reactor

Titan 440 fusion drive

Longreach I autocannon

patch spider

solar panel array

CDM shard

final items

145 M5 Nemesis missiles

2 malachite crystals

18 Shinyo missiles

20 hadron-vacuum fuel cells

218 S3 Medusa missiles

58 M2 Vulcan missiles

heavy armor repair kit

30 Ares micronukes

advanced analyzer

segment of Tharsis plate

2 barrels of dyon dust

99 pteracnium fuel rods

SN2500 reactor

3 segments of blast plate

Cydonian shield generator

Diarchy letter of marque

UAS Fleet identification chip

Commonwealth military identification chip

military map ROM

friendly ships destroyed

Manticore-class heavy gunship3

Luminous drone1

Molotok/B-class heavy gunship4

Evren-class heavy gunship1

Molotok/A-class heavy gunship1

Spartan-class heavy gunship1

medium IAV4

Salvager Nomad5

EI200-class freighter1

items installed

Morana archcannon

Ares positron cannon

Hyperion reactor

NAMI heavy launcher

ion blaster

Rasiermesser launcher

transuranic armor

dual SAR/10 cannon

heavy blast plate

Longreach I autocannon

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

P150 Hexphase armor

SN2500 reactor

150NX reactor

heavy ceralloy armor

heavy solar armor

Invincible-class deflector

patch spider

plasma torch

super-heavy Sung armor

Titan 440 fusion drive

Yoroi S500 shield generator

ceralloy armor

CH280 Uran cannon

EMP cannon

Heisenmachines quantum CPU

Makayev launcher

medium solar armor

Nephren P25 shield generator

Nova-100 reactor

particle accelerator

particle beam turret

Ceratops 1T quasi-armor

light solar armor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

patcher arm

Takao launcher

heavy ceramic armor

heavy reactive armor

miner's cargo hold

NAMI missile launcher

Nova-25 reactor

solar panel array

class II deflector

heavy recoilless cannon

laser collimator

Nova-15 reactor

CDM shard

missions & activities

Commonwealth habitat missions1

Korolov shipping missions3

Mining colony missions2

Money earned on missions170098

weapons fired

M5 Nemesis missile70

Morana archcannon257

Ares positron cannon12775

Gotha-400 seeker1011

M2 Vulcan missile254

NAMI heavy launcher434

S3 Medusa missile110

Fusionfire howitzer1401

Gotha-10 missile1729

ion blaster949

Kairyu missile3

Rasiermesser launcher2740

dual SAR/10 cannon7893

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster8230

Red Strelka missile100

XM900 Lucifer missile495

Green Strelka missile1748

plasma torch111

T-105 missile840

CH280 Uran cannon164

EMP cannon580

Makayev launcher2650

particle beam turret5518

White Strelka missile802

KM550 Broadsword missile915

Longreach I autocannon9072

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon3242

Takao launcher843

KM110 Starburst missile24

KM500 Stiletto missile83

NAMI missile launcher2526

heavy recoilless cannon1507

KM100 Longbow missile1009

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