

AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim

Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain

Commonwealth militia rankColonel

Domina relationshipNovice

FateDestroyed by a Phobos-class dreadnought in the Vori System


GenderHuman male

Korolov rankJourneyman

Money (credits)641855

Money (rin)258182


Ship classCerulean-class speeder

Time played2 days and 4 hours


achievements & regrets

Allowed Rama to meet his destiny

Became Legendary Hero of the Arena

Befriended the Huari

Betrayed Mr. Katami

Cleared the Charon system for Korolov Shipping

Defended Point Juno

Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system

Failed to defend the CSC Antarctica

Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere

Liberated Raisu station

Recovered Project Lamplighter prototype


Enemy ships destroyed3049

Enemy stations destroyed213

Friendly ships destroyed18


Profit on arms2062758

Profit on goods and materials403339

Profit on luxury goods328401

Profit on medical supplies13375


Game resurrections65

Never bought life insurance

Never destroyed friendly stations

damage sustained

light Iocrym armor4400

Lazarus shield generator34688

massive octocarbide armor56613

massive Tharsis plate51013

R9 deflector141211

blast plate7138

DU-HEX compound armor11598

obdurate plate5758

Yoroi S500 shield generator67489

hardened plasteel armor10011

lo-flux shield generator4145

advanced titanium armor1739

diamagnetic shield generator2416

enemy ships destroyed

Phobos-class dreadnought4

Gaian processor2

Deimos-class destroyer5

Chasm-class heavy gunship5

Cometfall-class missileship6

Ventari destroyer13

Polar II-class freighter3

Tundra-class heavy gunship45

Ares advanced sentry15

Ranx dreadnought5

Skeiron Dragoon9

Ares dual sentry15

Kobol gunship18

Excruciator-class destroyer1

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship7

Polar-class freighter15

Ares sentry54

Zoanthrope behemoth14

Retribution-class missileship6

Manticore-class heavy gunship3

Earth Slaver5

Xenophobe defender1

Augury-class destroyer12

Trask armored freighter1

Trask juggernaught10

Sandstorm-class gunship555

Tripoli-class destroyer2

Dwarg master22

Luminous drone165

Centurion-class heavy gunship39

Gale-class Warwing12

Urak destroyer16

Sung transport2

Dringend-class armed shuttle39

Punisher-class frigate3

Steel slaver39

Atonement-class heavy gunship49

Revelations-class missileship10

heavy IAV2

Ranx gunship121

Wildcat II-class heavy gunship25

Heliotrope frigate2

Wolfen-class gunship2

Charon frigate2

Storm Cavalier34

Varukisas Processor5

Barbary-class gunship24

Repentant-class gunship106

Sotho-class heavy gunship4

Trask gunship209

Vanguard-class heavy gunner8

Meth enforcer4

Triavid Breeder1

Ronin/C-class gunship8

T31-class armed transport2

Zoanthrope raider138

Varukisas armored auton7

Viking II-class gunship112

Wind slaver332

Drake-class missileship23

Plague-class gunship10

EI200-class freighter1

Heliotrope gunship9

Marauder raid platform5

Salvager Nomad2

Urak sentinel100

Oromo-class heavy gunship4

Centauri heavy raider4

Viking-class gunship66

Wildcat-class heavy gunship2

Charon Lynx II16

Ronin/B-class gunship4

Sapphire-class yacht2

Corsair II-class gunship77

Charon Lynx20

Borer II-class gunship17

Hammerhead II-class gunship8

EI500-class freighter3

Ronin/A-class gunship9

Zulu II-class gunship2

EI100-class freighter7

Varukisas auton3

Himal interceptor7

medium IAV3

Triavid spore17

Hornet-class battlepod44

Borer-class gunship16

Earthzone-class armed shuttle8

Hammerhead-class gunship12

light IAV2

Corsair-class gunship91

Zulu-class gunship6

TA3-class sentinel5

Centauri raider69

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune14

Kobol warlord camp3

Luminous Assembler5

Macht Coven Polis9

Ranx fortress1

Rogue Fleet settlement5

Ares outpost4

Cloudskippers colony3

Penitent monastery1

Ranx outpost2

Rogue Fleet cache5

Ventari colony2

Dwarg fortress3

Penitent sanctum3

Sung citadel1

Sung fortress9

Charon rogues Fortress11

Heliotrope colony2

Macht Coven encampment6

Marauder stronghold2

outlaw duranium mine2

Penitent shrine8

Trask Mine19

Cloudskipper Base8

Death Drug Cartel outpost2

Marauder compound3

Marauder outpost2

Sapiens compound3

Sung slave camp4

Trask brood8

Urak fortress3

Anarchist settlement1

Charon Pirates stronghold5

Charon rogues outpost13

Fortress of the Charon Pirates1

outlaw palladium mine2

Sapiens camp3

Urak mine5

Abbasid outpost4

Anarchist gathering3

Arco Vaughn's container habitat1

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost3

Himal refuge2

outlaw base1

outlaw camp2

outlaw titanium mine2

Urak outpost4

Centauri warlord camp6

Charon Pirates cache1


Systems visited39

Never reached the Galactic Core


Project Renegade

The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

final equipment

omnidirectional thermo cannon

Makayev launcher

Lazarus shield generator

4 segments of massive octocarbide armor [+thermo]

Hyperion reactor

Sigma autoturret

ICX missile defense turret

trader's cargo hold

final items

neurohack ROM

27 hadron-vacuum fuel cells

cerusite crystal

22 Gotha-10 missiles

advanced analyzer

gem of contrition

1263 thermo cannon shell cartridges

1386 Red Strelka missiles

4 gems of despair

Ares Campaign Ribbon

146 Green Strelka missiles

Commonwealth Medal of Honor

Commonwealth Medal of Distinction

2 military map ROMs

Commonwealth military identification chip

friendly ships destroyed

Britannia-class heavy gunship4

Zoanthrope behemoth1

Zoanthrope raider1

Salvager Nomad9

T31-class armed transport1

Zulu-class gunship2

items installed

light Iocrym armor

Lazarus shield generator

massive octocarbide armor

Hyperion reactor

massive Tharsis plate

Koshiba-500 reactor

omnidirectional thermo cannon

R9 deflector

Sigma autoturret

SN2500 reactor

Akan 600 turret

blast plate

DU-HEX compound armor

obdurate plate

patch spider

Yoroi S500 shield generator

Bantam autoturret

hardened plasteel armor

Makayev launcher

Nova-100 reactor

particle beam turret

Vallican 75MW reactor

ICX missile defense turret

lo-flux shield generator

advanced titanium armor

CX Renegade launcher

Vallican 20MW reactor

Bantam buster cannon

diamagnetic shield generator

laser collimator

trader's cargo hold

missions & activities

Commonwealth habitat missions1

Commonwealth militia missions6

CSC missions20

Gladiator fights10

Huari Empire missions3

Mining colony missions2

Money earned on missions48100

Slaves freed34

Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet625

weapons fired

Black Strelka missile310

omnidirectional thermo cannon7477

Red Strelka missile5672

Akan 600 turret12401

Green Strelka missile9895

virtual sigma12124

Makayev launcher27712

particle beam turret51276

White Strelka missile11835

CX Halberd missile690

CX Renegade launcher1472

CX Vigilante missile782

Bantam buster cannon8189

virtual buster22765

laser cannon9033

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