Daniel Whiting

Daniel Whiting

AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim

Corporate privateer rankFreelancer

FateRan out of fuel in the Heretic System


GenderHuman male

Korolov rankLegend

Money (credits)20775


Ship classparadoxInfinity

Time played1 hour and 43 minutes


achievements & regrets

Became Legendary Hero of the Arena

Betrayed Mr. Katami

Declined Volkov's company

Defeated the Kronosaurus

Defended Korolov Shipping in the Charon system

Destroyed the Fortress in the Charon system

Liberated Raisu station

Saved all shipyards in the Gunsan Complex


Enemy ships destroyed2904

Enemy stations destroyed451

Friendly ships destroyed29


Honored permadeath

Never bought life insurance

Never destroyed friendly stations

damage sustained

null armor334

enemy ships destroyed

Xenophobe ark1

Huygens-class explorer1

Iocrym sentinel11

Phobos-class dreadnought3

Gaian processor5

Deimos-class destroyer25

Chasm-class heavy gunship25

Omnithor hunter-killer41

Cometfall-class missileship2

Ventari destroyer3

Tundra-class heavy gunship48

Ares advanced sentry125

EI7000-class chimera5

Ranx dreadnought3

Ares dual sentry53

Lumiere destroyer5

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship8

Polar-class freighter1

Ares sentry85

Omnithor heavy gunship61

Zoanthrope behemoth12

Hurin-class destroyer18

Manticore-class heavy gunship3

Earth Slaver2

Omnithor gunship63

Xenophobe defender3

Kobol gunship15

Sandstorm-class gunship340

Tripoli-class destroyer1

Dwarg master28

Luminous drone79

Ronin/C-class chimera80

Centurion-class heavy gunship21

Urak destroyer11

Troglav-class frigate2

Wolfen-class gunship2

Xenophobe fighter62

Steel slaver21

Atonement-class heavy gunship15

Revelations-class missileship8

Ranx gunship99

Heliotrope frigate7

Lumiere battle auton8

Charon frigate6

T55-class armed transport2

Barbary-class gunship15

Repentant-class gunship47

Sotho-class heavy gunship14

Meth enforcer33

Ronin/C-class gunship5

Lumiere sentinel8

Zoanthrope raider327

Viking II-class gunship41

Wind slaver135

Sapphire-class yacht3

Drake-class missileship14

Plague-class gunship16

EI200-class freighter1

Heliotrope gunship13

Marauder raid platform7

EI500-class freighter1

Likho-class heavy gunship25

Urak sentinel87

Centauri heavy raider2

heavy IAV1

Oromo-class heavy gunship22

T31-class armed transport6

Viking-class gunship73

Ronin/B-class gunship8

Corsair II-class gunship46

Hammerhead II-class gunship5

Borer II-class gunship54

Ronin/A-class gunship7

Zulu II-class gunship12

medium IAV1

Sirin 3B-class gunship7

Himal interceptor15

EI100-class freighter4

Hornet-class battlepod156

Borer-class gunship19

Earthzone-class armed shuttle28

Hammerhead-class gunship10

light IAV6

Corsair-class gunship96

Zulu-class gunship8

Sirin 3A-class gunship7

TA3-class sentinel27

Centauri raider73

enemy stations destroyed

pteravore lair4

Cyclops Lab X051

Ares commune19

Ares shipyard22

Omnithor settlement13

Kobol warlord camp4

Luminous Assembler6

Omnithor autofac5

Ranx fortress4

Rogue Fleet settlement4

Ares outpost14

Omnithor lab7

Penitent monastery2

Ranx outpost9

Rogue Fleet cache1

Ventari colony4

Dwarg fortress10

Huari fortress7

Huari temple1

Lumiere stronghold6

outlaw pteracnium mine5

Penitent sanctum6

Sung citadel2

Sung fortress16

Curators stronghold2

Cyclops Corporation HQ1

Dwarg colony51

Heliotrope colony4

Huari habitat4

Marauder stronghold1

outlaw duranium mine4

Penitent shrine12

container habitat1

Death Drug Cartel outpost9

Lumiere outpost3

Marauder compound7

Marauder outpost2

outlaw ceralloy mine5

Sapiens compound7

Sung slave camp13

Urak fortress11

Anarchist settlement7

Charon Pirates stronghold18

Curators vault4

Fortress of the Charon Pirates1

outlaw haven3

outlaw palladium mine4

Sapiens camp2

Urak mine7

Abbasid outpost12

Anarchist gathering25

Arco Vaughn's container habitat1

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost5

Himal refuge8

outlaw base1

outlaw camp4

outlaw titanium mine4

Urak outpost5

Anarchist habitat7

Centauri warlord camp9

Charon Pirates cache11

Curators outpost3


Systems visited38

Never reached the Galactic Core


Avian Enterprises - Intro Screen Janitor

Avian Enterprises - Overkill

Avian Enterprises - Playerships

Avian Enterprises - Ship Table Generator

Avian Enterprises - Weapon Table Generator

Corporate Command

Hammerhead II Playership

Osaka Playership

The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack

final equipment

plasma cascade blaster [+100%]

negation launcher [+100%]

4 segments of null armor

System Mapping Device

final items

data ROM labeled "Heretic research"

data ROM labeled "Heretic research"

friendly ships destroyed

Zoanthrope raider29

items installed

negation launcher

null armor

plasma cascade blaster

System Mapping Device

missions & activities

Corporate privateer missions1 (1 failed)

Gladiator fights10

Money earned on missions19975

weapons fired

negation launcher2188

plasma cascade blaster339

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