

AdventureEternity Port

Black Market rankSindikat lieutenant

CDM shard level7

Commonwealth Fleet rankFleet captain

Commonwealth militia rankColonel

FateJoined the denizens of Eternity Port


GenderHuman female

Insured byClavius Insurance Conglomerate

Korolov rankLegend

Money (credits)2198192

Money (euros)225228

Money (rin)320399

Money (yuan)155680


Ship classMinotaur-class corvette

Time played14 hours and 11 minutes


achievements & regrets

Befriended the Huari

Chased off the Nagato Explorer

Defeated Luminous

Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port

Destroyed an APD Space Command base

Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel

Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere

Helped Lilith increase her powers

Helped the Nagato Explorer to defect

Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer

Joined by Jenna

Joined by Volkov

Met Captain Okida of the Nagato Explorer

Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer

Rescued Project Lamplighter scientists

Resurrected Lilith

Scanned the Nagato Explorer

Visited Tranquility Base


Enemy ships destroyed2513

Enemy stations destroyed318

Friendly ships destroyed81

Friendly stations destroyed1


Profit on arms3337891

Profit on goods and materials779995

Profit on luxury goods147544

Profit on ship's equipment559576


Honored permadeath

Never claimed life insurance

damage sustained

nanoforged meteorsteel armor61161

nanoforged carbide armor4341

nanoforged Duralloy armor3608

super-heavy blast plate7560

blast plate17

class V deflector16646

nanoforged plasteel armor5432

Yoroi S100 shield generator69

class III deflector3227

heavy reactive armor362

nanoforged titanium armor289

class II deflector2248

enemy ships destroyed

Luminous avatar2

Luminous hunter-killer8

Phobos-class dreadnought5

Dreaming nomad4

Chasm-class heavy gunship5

Cometfall-class missileship1

Ventari destroyer8

Ferian warrior3

Polar II-class freighter3

Tundra-class heavy gunship19

Revenant-class destroyer5

Ranx dreadnought11

Ares dual sentry7

Kobol gunship6

Excruciator-class destroyer1

Yamato-class bomber7

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2

Polar-class freighter11

Ares sentry16

Luminous soldier2

Aurochs-class mine layer1

Zoanthrope behemoth1

Earth Slaver16

Xenophobe defender2

Sandstorm-class gunship202

Tripoli-class destroyer3

Akuma-class heavy gunship5

Dwarg master13

Luminous drone131

Wraith-class heavy gunship23

Dreaming raider64

Centurion-class heavy gunship16

Urak destroyer13

Goron behemoth3

Sung transport10

Xenophobe fighter5

Mammoth frigate2

Steel slaver62

Evren-class heavy gunship4

Luminous messenger1

Atonement-class heavy gunship17

Revelations-class missileship7

Ranx gunship91

Heliotrope frigate8

Raijin-class heavy gunship26

Charon frigate3

Goron monitor6

T55-class armed transport2

Barbary-class gunship17

Repentant-class gunship36

Sotho-class heavy gunship29

Meth enforcer35

Ronin/C-class gunship18

Cavebear raider19

Ferian miner5

Zoanthrope raider143

Eldritch-class gunship58

Viking II-class gunship71

Wind slaver299

Drake-class missileship17

Plague-class gunship24

Heliotrope gunship60

Marauder raid platform9

Demir-class gunship24

Urak sentinel37

Kaiten-class gunship40

Oromo-class heavy gunship17

T31-class armed transport9

Centauri heavy raider3

Viking-class gunship93

Ronin/B-class gunship12

Corsair II-class gunship49

Borer II-class gunship29

Hammerhead II-class gunship1

Zulu II-class gunship18

Sabertooth raider50

Hornet-class battlepod133

Borer-class gunship7

Earthzone-class armed shuttle22

Hammerhead-class gunship10

Corsair-class gunship187

Goron soldier5

Zulu-class gunship19

TA3-class sentinel34

Centauri raider11

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune3

Ares shipyard1

Dreaming Nexus3


Kobol warlord camp2

Luminous Assembler13

Luminous Sentinel21

Ranx fortress6

Resurrector cathedral4

Rogue Fleet settlement1

(APD Space Command base)1

Ares outpost4

Penitent monastery2

Ranx outpost4

Resurrector sanctum5

Rogue Fleet cache1

Ventari colony4

Dwarg fortress4

outlaw pteracnium mine5

Penitent sanctum2

Sung citadel12

Sung fortress20

Dwarg colony21

Heliotrope colony9

Luminous Extractor14

Marauder stronghold1

outlaw duranium mine11

Penitent shrine8

Resurrector outpost2

Sung research laboratory1

Death Drug Cartel outpost12

First Hunters settlement4

Marauder compound7

Marauder outpost4

outlaw ceralloy mine4

Sapiens compound6

Sung slave camp6

Urak fortress6

Anarchist settlement3

Charon Pirates stronghold7

Goron lair4

Heliotrope outpost3

outlaw haven5

Sapiens camp2

Urak mine1

Abbasid outpost8

Anarchist gathering20

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost6

First Hunters outpost7

outlaw base1

outlaw camp4

outlaw titanium mine4

Urak outpost2

Charon Pirates cache5


Systems visited31


The Stars of the Pilgrim HD

The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack

final equipment

Morana archcannon [+20%]

Ferian plasma cannon

omnidirectional ion blaster [+100%]

Luminous launcher

6 segments of nanoforged meteorsteel armor [+50%]

Hyperion reactor

pteracnium megadrive [+enhanced]

transpace jumpdrive

miner's cargo hold

CDM shard

final items

7 heavy armor repair kits

92 hadron-vacuum fuel cells

2 gems of contrition

2 portable autodocs

75 TM7 warheads

advanced analyzer

advanced analyzer

TM7 multitarget cannon [+150%]

3 medium armor repair kits

954 Luminous thermo missiles

24 longzhu spheres

Diarchy letter of marque

engineering analyzer

UAS Fleet identification chip

4 military map ROMs

Commonwealth military identification chip

2 black market identification chips

system map ROM

friendly ships destroyed

Khurasan-class dreadnought2

Alexei Leonov-class cruiser2

Sentoku-class explorer3

T55-class armed transport6

Ferian miner9

Zoanthrope raider10

EI500-class freighter1

Salvager Nomad5

T31-class armed transport15

EI100-class freighter1

Zulu-class gunship27

friendly stations destroyed

Ferian colony1

items installed

Morana archcannon

Ferian plasma cannon

Hyperion reactor

NAMI heavy launcher

nanoforged meteorsteel armor

omnidirectional ion blaster

pteracnium megadrive

Koshiba-500 reactor

Luminous launcher

nanoforged carbide armor

TM7 multitarget cannon

Hanzo blaster

Longreach I autocannon

nanoforged Duralloy armor

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

transpace jumpdrive

Yoroi MX shield generator

blast plate

Titan 440 fusion drive

class V deflector

Makayev weapon enhancer

nanoforged plasteel armor

Nova-100 reactor

particle accelerator

Yoroi S100 shield generator

class III deflector

MAG launcher

Moskva 21 dual cannon

Nova-50 reactor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

smuggler's cargo hold

Sova-10 particle turret

heavy reactive armor

miner's cargo hold

NAMI missile launcher

nanoforged titanium armor

Nova-25 reactor

Rasiermesser SmartCannon

class II deflector

heavy recoilless cannon

laser collimator

Nova-15 reactor

CDM shard

missions & activities

Agricultural colony missions1

Commonwealth militia missions6

CSC missions16

Huari Empire missions10 (1 failed)

Korolov shipping missions11

Mining colony missions1

Money earned on missions318996

Slaves freed57

Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet66437

weapons fired

Luminous plasma missile110

Morana archcannon5332

Ferian plasma cannon97

M2 Vulcan missile114

NAMI heavy launcher325

omnidirectional ion blaster5187

S3 Medusa missile211

98R high-flux MAG349

Luminous launcher397

TM7 multitarget cannon1405

3K siege MAG377

Hanzo blaster5

Luminous thermo missile287

mark V howitzer52

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster4501

ZG24 cluster MAG7

800F hexagene MAG120

600 hexagene MAG61

KM550 Broadsword missile34

Longreach I autocannon340

MAG launcher925

Moskva 21 dual cannon46

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon8417

Sova-10 particle turret676

400 hexagene MAG11

KM110 Starburst missile4

KM120 Brute missile93

KM500 Stiletto missile322

NAMI missile launcher556

Rasiermesser SmartCannon726

heavy recoilless cannon1091

KM100 Longbow missile103

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