

AdventureEternity Port

Commonwealth militia rankLieutenant

Domina relationshipNovice

FateDestroyed by a Goron monitor in the Centauri System


GenomeHuman female

Korolov rankJourneyman

Money (credits)10966

Money (euros)7670

Money (yuan)11498


Ship classSpartan-class heavy gunship

Time played5 hours and 7 minutes


achievements & regrets

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port


Enemy ships destroyed321

Enemy stations destroyed22


Profit on arms17070

Profit on goods and materials50

Profit on illegal items400

Profit on luxury goods4350

Profit on medical supplies1088


Honored permadeath

Never destroyed friendly ships or stations

Never invoked powers of Domina

damage sustained

nanoforged Ceralloy armor1838

nanoforged plasteel armor10072

heavy reactive armor213

hull plate ionizer1888

enemy ships destroyed

Barbary-class gunship2

Drake-class missileship2

Cavebear raider20

Eldritch-class gunship4

Wind slaver2

Heliotrope gunship1

Urak sentinel3

Viking II-class gunship7

Oromo-class gunship2

Viking-class gunship35

Centauri heavy raider1

Corsair II-class gunship10

Ronin/B-class gunship1

Hammerhead II-class gunship1

Borer II-class gunship7

Zulu II-class gunship4

Sabertooth raider94

Hornet-class battlepod22

Borer-class gunship3

Earthzone-class armed shuttle1

Hammerhead-class gunship1

Corsair-class gunship86

Goron soldier2

Goron swift2

Zulu-class gunship4

Centauri raider4

enemy stations destroyed

Heliotrope colony1

Marauder compound1

outlaw palladium mine1

Abbasid outpost1

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost3

First Hunters outpost5

Himal refuge1

outlaw titanium mine1

Urak outpost1

Anarchist habitat2

Charon Pirates cache4


Systems visited8

Never reached Jiang's Star

Never reached Oromarch

Never reached Urak

Never reached Terminus

final equipment

lancer cannon

dual turbolaser cannon

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

NAMI missile launcher

enhanced hull plate ionizer [+20%]

3 segments of nanoforged Ceralloy armor

enhanced segment of nanoforged Ceralloy armor [+10%]

Nova-100 reactor

patcher arm

cargo hold expansion

CDM shard

final items

tritium injector

gem of despair

3 tons of orthosteel ore

15 Heliotrope fuel cylinders

3 hexagene boosters

6 KM550 Broadsword missiles

8 tons of pteracnium ore

damaged lancer cannon

damaged sunflare cannon

25 heliumĀ³ reactor assemblies

261 T-11 missiles

3 particle source upgrades

3 tons of cerallox ore

Commonwealth military identification chip

damaged dual turbolaser cannon

ton of xenotite ore

2 large armor patches

3 damaged turbolaser cannons

4 barrels of decon gel

damaged laser cannon array

damaged segment of ironplate armor

91 KM100 Longbow missiles

black market identification chip

portable analyzer

system map ROM

visual display enhancement ROM

169 heliumĀ³ fuel rods

2 damaged laser cannons

laser collimator

items installed

nanoforged Ceralloy armor

lancer cannon

nanoforged plasteel armor

Nova-100 reactor

dual turbolaser cannon

Lanceolate cannon

Nova-50 reactor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

patcher arm

heavy reactive armor

NAMI missile launcher

Otoroshi cannon

cannon accelerator

cargo hold expansion

heavy recoilless cannon

hull plate ionizer

CDM shard

laser collimator

missions & activities

Agricultural colonies defended1

Commonwealth militia missions1

Korolov escort missions13

Mining colony missions4

Money earned on missions71336

Psionics offered to Domina2

weapons fired

lancer cannon80

dual turbolaser cannon3063

Lanceolate cannon23

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon586

NAMI missile launcher50

Otoroshi cannon3031

heavy recoilless cannon653

KM100 Longbow missile50

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