

AdventureBeyond the Mainline

Black Market rankCivilian

Commonwealth militia rankLieutenant

Domina relationshipNovice

FateDestroyed by a Phobos-class dreadnought in the LV 426 System


GenomeHuman male

Korolov rankApprentice

Money (credits)1534848

Money (rin)297843


Ship classTroglav-class frigate

Ship class (first)Sapphire-class yacht

Time played1 day and 18 hours


achievements & regrets

Found and delivered Professor Dall's alien sphere


Enemy ships destroyed4144

Enemy stations destroyed88

Friendly ships destroyed20


Profit on arms6567874

Profit on goods and materials1028187

Profit on luxury goods23503

Profit on medical supplies56600


Honored permadeath

Never destroyed friendly stations

Never invoked powers of Domina

enemy ships destroyed

Phobos-class dreadnought174

Gaian processor4

Ranx dreadnought364

Chasm-class heavy gunship216

Deimos-class destroyer159

Omnithor hunter-killer23

Ventari destroyer35

Polar II-class freighter25

Tundra-class heavy gunship563

Ares sentry184

Omnithor heavy gunship70

Lumiere destroyer2

Polar-class freighter23

Tripoli-class destroyer3

Earth Slaver46

Kobol gunship44

Omnithor gunship108

Zoanthrope behemoth64

Sandstorm-class gunship506

Luminous drone79

Dwarg master80

Molotok bounty hunter4

Urak destroyer2

Troglav-class frigate2

Atonement-class heavy gunship6

Steel slaver40

Ranx gunship465

Lumiere battle auton9

Wolfen-class gunship7

Repentant-class gunship9

T55-class armed transport10

Barbary-class gunship49

Meth enforcer38

Sotho-class heavy gunship8

Drake-class missileship4

Revelations-class missileship6

Lumiere sentinel21

Zoanthrope raider338

Marauder raid platform1

Wind slaver83

Plague-class gunship11

Heliotrope gunship4

Centauri base ship1

Likho-class heavy gunship18

Urak sentinel9

Viking II-class gunship28

Oromo-class gunship16

T31-class armed transport8

Viking-class gunship3

Centauri heavy raider2

Corsair II-class gunship25

Hammerhead II-class gunship13

Borer II-class gunship4

Earthzone-class escape pod64

Zulu II-class gunship3

Sirin 3B-class gunship3

Himal interceptor3

Hornet-class battlepod18

Borer-class gunship2

Earthzone-class armed shuttle1

Hammerhead-class gunship10

Corsair-class gunship4

Zulu-class gunship6

Centauri raider14

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune4

Ares HQ16

Ares shipyard21

Omnithor settlement3

Ranx HQ2

Kobol warlord camp1

Luminous Assembler4

Ranx fortress4

Ares outpost4

Ranx outpost10

Dwarg fortress1

Sung fortress1

Curators stronghold1

outlaw duranium mine1

Death Drug Cartel outpost1

Dwarg colony5

Marauder compound2

outlaw ceralloy mine1

Sung slave camp4

outlaw base1

outlaw camp1


Systems visited55

Never reached Heretic

Never reached the Galactic Core


120° NPC Ships: Domina & Oracus I

Dynamic Systems Stuff

Dynamic Systems V4 Vanilla Override

Dynamic Systems V5.b Asteroid Override for TG

Extension e4980081

Nerefir Carrier

Playership Drones: Corporate Command

Playership Drones: Domina & Oracus I

final equipment

2 Ares plasma archcannons

damaged Ares plasma archcannon

Ares lightning turret

NAMI heavy launcher

enhanced R9 deflector [+30%]

10 enhanced segments of massive Tharsis plate [+50%]

2 damaged segments of massive Tharsis plate [+50%]

5GW Farsight reactor

damaged pteracnium megadrive

6 patch spiders

damaged patch spider

final items

2334 M5 Nemesis missiles

25 segments of heavy ithalium armor

3 chests of jasmine pearl tea

3 tins of Imperial caviar

30 segments of massive Tharsis plate

7 damaged segments of massive Tharsis plate

8 Ares plasma archcannons

positron lancer

2GW Jotham reactor

5 Kaidun shield generators

5 segments of P1000 Hexphase armor

50 hadron-vacuum fuel cells

524 M2 Vulcan missiles

74 Black Strelka missiles

9 NAMI heavy launchers

9 segments of heavy orthosteel armor

dual Fusionfire howitzer

segment of heavy Tharsis plate

2 portable shipwrights

2 segments of orthosteel armor

2 segments of quadrocarbide armor

21 CRM500 Running Man mines

29 Gotha-10 missiles

3 damaged segments of transuranic armor

3 damaged worldship armor plates

4 segments of transuranic armor

8 Ares lightning turrets

damaged segment of medium Omsk armor

damaged segment of Tharsis plate

Fusionfire howitzer

Hecates cannon

ion blaster

omnidirectional thermo cannon

portable autodoc

R9 deflector

segment of Tharsis plate

side-mounted mark V howitzer

Taikon-10 deflector

1385 Ares micronukes

1409 pteracnium fuel rods

18 Katana star cannons

2 inertialess drives

36 thermo cannon shell cartridges

4 segments of advanced ceralloy armor

5 Ranx Beam Rifles

Ares lightning cannon

light ion blaster

Mammoth 50MW deflector


Neuros personal media player

segment of heavy blast plate

2 high-speed howitzer loaders

2 Titan 440 fusion drives

268 kiloton cannon shells

Cydonian shield generator

21 xenotite fuel rods

4 optical knowledge arrays

segment of Luminous armature

4376 Akan 30 cannon shell cartridges

friendly ships destroyed

Centurion-class heavy gunship1

Scarab-class superfreighter1

Ronin/C-class gunship1

Zoanthrope raider7

T31-class armed transport2

Ronin/B-class gunship1

Earthzone-class escape pod3

Zulu-class gunship4

items installed

heavy Iocrym armor

5GW Farsight reactor

Ares plasma archcannon

heavy ithalium armor

Lazarus shield generator

massive Tharsis plate

2GW Jotham reactor

dual Fusionfire howitzer

heavy orthosteel armor

Iocrym veil

ithalium armor

mark VII howitzer

NAMI heavy launcher

pteracnium megadrive

Ares launcher

Ares lightning turret

Fusionfire howitzer

light ithalium armor

lithium booster

orthosteel armor

P450 Hexphase armor

R9 deflector

Rasiermesser launcher

inertialess drive

Katana star cannon

Longreach I autocannon

NM900 external missile pod

Sabel 220 ion cannon

SN2500 reactor

transpace jumpdrive

tritium cannon

high-speed howitzer loader

light Omsk armor

Mammoth 25MW deflector

patch spider

Titan 440 fusion drive

Cargo Steal device

Heisenmachines quantum CPU

NAMI auton bay

Nova-100 reactor

Yoroi S100 shield generator

ICX missile defense turret

light orichalc armor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

particle beam weapon

plasteel armor

slam cannon

smuggler's cargo hold

Cyclotron S55 deflector

heavy ceramic armor

NAMI missile launcher

Bolide laser blaster

cannon accelerator

cargo hold expansion

ceramic armor

reactive armor

class I deflector

recoilless cannon

missions & activities

Commonwealth militia missions3

Korolov escort missions1

Money earned on missions400

Slaves freed10

playership drones settings

No friendly fireOff


ships acquired

Britannia-class heavy gunship

Commonwealth Star Carrier

Gaian processor

Sapphire-class yacht

Troglav-class frigate

weapons fired

Ares plasma archcannon12827

M5 Nemesis missile982

Ares Warhammer nuke18

dual Fusionfire howitzer2108

Gotha-400 seeker1754

mark VII howitzer2906

NAMI heavy launcher982

Ares launcher18

Ares lightning turret3593

Fusionfire howitzer3581

Rasiermesser launcher1754

Katana star cannon2411

NM900 external missile pod36

Sabel 220 ion cannon3

tritium cannon2410

Cargo Steal device242

KM500 Stiletto missile35

Longreach I autocannon3352

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon1491

particle beam weapon2050

slam cannon35

NAMI missile launcher35

Bolide laser blaster156

laser cannon1355

recoilless cannon602

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