

AdventureDomina & Oracus I: The Stars of the Pilgrim

Black Market rankSmuggler

Corporate privateer rankSecurity Officer

Domina relationshipNovice

FateDestroyed by a Tripoli-class destroyer in the Neheb System


GenomeHuman male

Korolov rankJourneyman

Money (credits)18211


Ship classEI500-class freighter

Time played6 hours and 8 minutes

Version1.6 Beta 2

achievements & regrets

Became a gladiator in the Arena

Defended Fiona's freighter from Penitents

Destroyed Benedict's autons in 6 minutes and 12 seconds

Destroyed the Silla anomaly

Discovered the Tau Ceti anomaly

Liberated Raisu station


Enemy ships destroyed644

Enemy stations destroyed126

Friendly ships destroyed2


Profit on arms64061

Profit on goods and materials27865

Profit on luxury goods2255


Honored permadeath

Never destroyed friendly stations

Never invoked powers of Domina

damage sustained

heavy ceralloy armor5973

ceralloy armor777

Yoroi S100 shield generator7037

light plasteel armor15

heavy titanium armor443

class I deflector2219

enemy ships destroyed

EI500-class freighter2

T55-class armed transport3

Manticore-class heavy gunship3

Charon frigate2

Drake-class chimera1

Repentant-class gunship1

Ronin/C-class gunship3

Viking-class chimera9

Wolfen-class gunship1

Sotho-class heavy gunship2

Marauder raid platform1

Earthzone-class chimera2

Plague-class gunship2

Sapphire-class yacht1

Heliotrope gunship22

Arco Vaughn1

Likho-class heavy gunship12

Urak sentinel38

Oromo-class gunship18

T31-class armed transport6

Viking-class gunship37

Centauri heavy raider4

EI100-class freighter9

Hornet-class chimera6

Corsair II-class gunship19

Ronin/B-class gunship2

Hammerhead II-class gunship8

Borer II-class gunship11

Ronin/A-class gunship7

Zulu II-class gunship11

Sirin 3B-class gunship5

Himal interceptor26

medium IAV1

Hornet-class battlepod121

Borer-class gunship14

Earthzone-class armed shuttle13

Hammerhead-class gunship3

Corsair-class gunship79

light IAV2

Zulu-class gunship34

Sirin 3A-class gunship11

TA3-class sentinel12

Centauri raider79

enemy stations destroyed

Arco Vaughn's container habitat1

container habitat2

Marauder outpost1

Anarchist settlement3

Charon Pirates stronghold3

Curators vault1

Heliotrope outpost5

outlaw haven4

outlaw palladium mine6

Sapiens camp2

Urak mine1

Abbasid outpost7

Anarchist gathering24

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost7

Himal refuge8

outlaw base3

outlaw camp8

outlaw titanium mine4

Urak outpost9

Anarchist habitat5

Centauri warlord camp7

Charon Pirates cache10

Curators outpost4


Systems visited17

Never reached Jiang's Star

Never reached Point Juno

Never reached Heretic

Never reached the Galactic Core


Corporate Command

final equipment

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon [+75%]

enhanced Burak missile launcher [+20%]

Yoroi S100 shield generator

4 enhanced segments of heavy ceralloy armor [+Reactive]

Nova-100 reactor

particle accelerator

patcher arm

smuggler's cargo hold

laser collimator

final items

24 kilos of dried Europan ice moss

100 Burak500 missiles

23 Heliotrope fuel cylinders

3 damaged sunflare cannons

43 pairs of genuine leather boots

46 grams of unlicensed cancer dust

damaged Nova-100 reactor

fusion trigger

11 crates of frozen Hogei salmon

171 Burak400 missiles

2 defective autons

35 heliumĀ³ reactor assemblies

47 cases of hypermycin

digital wrist computer

142 Burak300 missiles

26 kilos of Booster

4 cases of Europan Ice vodka

5 large armor patches

79 containers of biofactor paste

Abbasid thanogram

damaged solar panel array

damaged turbolaser cannon

2 shield enhancement ROMs

23 Burak200 missiles

35 bolts of neolinen

43 cases of Martian Merlot

7 bootleg Star Wars 3DVs

7 system map ROMs

92 cases of Martian nori

black market identification chip

portable analyzer

2 barrels of armor repair paste

2 small armor patches

370 heliumĀ³ fuel rods

80 laudanum ampules

81 barrels of white rice

81 casks of Venusian Hellas rum

89 Tempus syrettes

data ROM

friendly ships destroyed

Zulu-class gunship2

items installed

heavy ceralloy armor

ceralloy armor

Nova-100 reactor

Yoroi S100 shield generator

octagon-shaped device

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

patcher arm

smuggler's cargo hold

light plasteel armor

NAMI missile launcher

omnidirectional laser cannon

Rasiermesser SmartCannon

Burak missile launcher

heavy titanium armor

class I deflector

laser collimator

missions & activities

Commonwealth habitat missions1

Corporate privateer missions8 (1 failed)

Korolov escort missions6

Mining colony missions1

Money earned on missions11750

Psionics offered to Domina1

weapons fired

Burak400 missile40

KM500 Stiletto missile18

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon5740

Burak300 missile200

NAMI missile launcher24

omnidirectional laser cannon7507

Rasiermesser SmartCannon554

Burak missile launcher491

Burak200 missile251

KM100 Longbow missile6

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