

AdventureEternity Port

Black Market rankSindikat Member

CDM shard level6

Commonwealth Fleet rankPrivateer

Commonwealth militia rankMajor


FateDestroyed by a Wind slaver in the Heilong Xing System


GenderHuman female

Korolov rankMaster

Money (credits)1160547

Money (euros)176828

Money (rin)42880

Money (yuan)2566


Ship classMinotaur/M-class corvette

Time played14 hours and 53 minutes

Version1.9 Beta 4

achievements & regrets

Befriended the Huari

Chased off the Nagato Explorer

Delivered arms to Asian Pacific Directorate

Delivered Morningstar's message to Eternity Port

Destroyed an APD Space Command base

Escorted North Atlantic Union SIGINT vessel

Helped the Nagato Explorer to defect

Intercepted strike force heading for the Nagato Explorer

Met Captain Okida of the Nagato Explorer

Met Failsafe

Obtained Lilith's hunter-killer

Resurrected Lilith

Scanned the Nagato Explorer

Visited Tranquility Base


Enemy ships destroyed1786

Enemy stations destroyed221

Friendly ships destroyed16


Profit on arms1543423

Profit on goods and materials323168

Profit on illegal items357104

Profit on luxury goods61617

Profit on medical supplies196296


Honored permadeath

Insurance claims1

Never destroyed friendly stations

Never used Pilgrims' Aid

criminal record

Wanted by the North Atlantic Union for the destruction of an Avenger-class heavy gunship

damage sustained

massive hexacarbide armor1381

massive ithalium armor7242

nanoforged carbide armor631

nanoforged ithalium armor4411

nanoforged orthosteel armor1948

advanced ceralloy armor1219

heavy blast plate591

heavy solar armor150

class V deflector31908

Ceratops 1T quasi-armor9950

class II deflector363

reactive armor3

enemy ships destroyed

Luminous avatar1

Dreaming nomad7

Revenant-class destroyer1

Tundra-class heavy gunship3

Polar-class freighter2

Ares sentry4

Yamato-class bomber7

Centurion/X-class heavy gunship2

Tripoli-class destroyer2

Earth Slaver8

Kobol gunship1

Sandstorm-class gunship110

Dwarg master1

Akuma-class heavy gunship3

Luminous drone3

Wraith-class heavy gunship1

Dreaming raider12

Urak destroyer7

Sotho II-class heavy gunship4

Borer III-class gunship6

TMA-9-class battle auton8

Centurion-class heavy gunship19

Goron behemoth2

Mammoth frigate3

Xenophobe fighter1

Steel slaver37

Charon frigate3

Luminous messenger1

Atonement-class heavy gunship14

Evren-class heavy gunship3

Revelations-class missileship10

Ranx gunship25

Heliotrope frigate14

Raijin-class heavy gunship23

Sotho-class heavy gunship9

Goron monitor1

T55-class armed transport3

Barbary-class gunship13

Meth enforcer22

Repentant-class gunship30

Ronin/C-class gunship26

Oromo II-class heavy gunship7

Cavebear raider19

Borer II-class gunship11

Eldritch-class gunship20

Viking II-class gunship107

Zoanthrope raider18

Wind slaver340

Marauder raid platform4

Drake-class missileship10

Plague-class gunship35

Heliotrope gunship22

Demir-class gunship19

Urak sentinel58

Earthzone 1200-class gunship12

Kaiten-class gunship19

T31-class armed transport1

Oromo-class heavy gunship10

TR-200-class defender28

Centauri heavy raider1

Viking-class gunship88

Ronin/B-class gunship26

Corsair II-class gunship44

Hammerhead II-class gunship14

Zulu II-class gunship10

Sabertooth raider73

Hornet-class battlepod90

Borer-class gunship16

Earthzone 100-class armed shuttle7

Hammerhead-class gunship12

Corsair-class gunship174

Goron soldier5

Goron swift4

Zulu-class gunship11

TA3-class sentinel14

Centauri raider5

enemy stations destroyed

Ares commune1

Kobol warlord outpost1

Rogue Fleet settlement1

(APD Space Command base)1

Ares outpost10

Resurrector sanctum1

Rogue Fleet cache3

Sung citadel6

level 6 outlaw mine4

Penitent sanctum8

Sung fortress21

Heliotrope colony7

Luminous Assembler1

Marauder stronghold8

Penitent shrine7

Resurrector outpost4

Sung research laboratory1

Death Drug Cartel outpost7

Dwarg colony1

First Hunters settlement8

level 4 outlaw mine4

Marauder compound2

Marauder outpost1

Sapiens compound7

Sung slave camp17

Urak fortress5

Anarchist settlement3

Charon Pirates stronghold8

Goron lair2

Heliotrope outpost2

level 3 outlaw mine3

outlaw haven3

Sapiens outpost4

Abbasid outpost11

Anarchist gathering10

Centauri warlord stronghold1

Charon Pirates outpost7

First Hunters outpost6

level 2 outlaw mine4

outlaw base4

Urak outpost3

Charon Pirates cache13


Systems visited28

Never reached Oromarch

Never reached Urak


Osaka Playership

The Stars of the Pilgrim Soundtrack

final equipment

Morana archcannon [+20%]

Fusionfire howitzer

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster [+80%]

MAG launcher

class V deflector [+ion +thermo]

6 segments of massive ithalium armor [+ion]

Koshiba-500 reactor

Titan 440 fusion drive [+enhanced]

particle accelerator

miner's cargo hold

CDM shard

final items

2 heavy armor repair kits

cerusite crystal

2 cases of Ringer spice

2 gems of contrition

2 nodules of crystalline uranium

32 98R high-flux MAGs

4 crates of cryofrozen prime beef

advanced analyzer

2 gems of despair

50 pteracnium fuel rods

8 medium armor repair kits


Neuros personal media player

13 longzhu spheres

2 barrels of meteorsteel dust

2 cases of erbium rods

2 Scramble1.5 algorithm cubes

2 ShieldEfficiency v1.2.5 algorithm cubes

3 cases of Terran eggs

4 barrels of ion resistance coating

4 rolls of holmium fiber

7 segments of blast plate

75 Dragonfly missile cartridges

8 advanced scanner pods

diamond field crystal

platinum cash card

platinum cash card

11 cases of cerium electrodes

2 cases of natural periweed

2 hexagene boosters

2 light armor repair kits

2 optical knowledge arrays

2 segments of ceralloy armor

2 ShieldOverdrive v3.1.8 algorithm cubes

4 tons of pteracnium ore

Diarchy letter of marque

engineering analyzer

engineering analyzer

engineering analyzer

ShieldOverdrive v1.0 algorithm cube

UAS Fleet identification chip

13 helium³ reactor assemblies

4 weapon efficiency ROMs

8 tons of cerallox ore

Commonwealth military identification chip

neural processor

2 rolls of hyperfiber

4 weapon optimizer ROMs

ton of cobalt-thorium ore

14 crates of medical supplies

3 black market identification chips

6 tons of uranium ore

shield enhancement ROM

visual display enhancement ROM

friendly ships destroyed

Avenger-class heavy gunship1

T55-class armed transport4

Ferian miner5

Salvager Nomad1

T31-class armed transport5

items installed

Morana archcannon

Hyperion reactor

Luminous advanced carapace

massive hexacarbide armor

Fusionfire howitzer

Koshiba-500 reactor

massive ithalium armor

nanoforged carbide armor

nanoforged ithalium armor

nanoforged orthosteel armor

R9 deflector

advanced ceralloy armor

heavy blast plate

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster

SN2500 reactor

150NX reactor

heavy solar armor

Titan 440 fusion drive

class V deflector

Nova-100 reactor

particle accelerator

Ceratops 1T quasi-armor

MAG launcher

Nova-50 reactor

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon

smuggler's cargo hold

magma cutter

miner's cargo hold

NAMI missile launcher

Osaka-20 reactor

class II deflector

laser collimator

reactive armor

CDM shard

Nakura bolter

missions & activities

Agricultural colony missions1

Commonwealth habitat missions1

Commonwealth militia missions6

Korolov shipping missions8

Mining colony missions0 (1 failed)

Money earned on missions319,925 credits

Slaves freed113

Value of supplies donated to Commonwealth Fleet10187

ore mined

xenotite ore2

cobalt-thorium ore10

uranium ore21

powers invoked

Jettison Hack4

Overload Hack2


ships used

Osaka-class transport

Minotaur/M-class corvette

weapons fired

Morana archcannon1519

98R high-flux MAG255

Fusionfire howitzer196

omnidirectional TeV 9 blaster12516

ZG24 cluster MAG111

800F hexagene MAG52

KM170 Maul missile334

KM550 Broadsword missile325

MAG launcher418

omnidirectional turbolaser cannon5793

KM110 Starburst missile126

KM120 Brute missile347

KM500 Stiletto missile332

magma cutter348

NAMI missile launcher2017

KM100 Longbow missile553

Nakura bolter207

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